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We now offer a wide range of repair/rebuild kits and components for AC mechanical fuel pumps. The kits have 100s of vintage and classic vehicle applications from the 1930s into the 1970s, where AC offered highly efficient mechanical fuel pumps that were used by the majority of car and light commercial vehicle manufacturers. The list of components in each kit was created from records of the period and components have been remanufactured from materials specified to be compatible with ethanol-containing fuels, including E5 and E10.
To aid the selection of the correct kit to overhaul your fuel pump, we have compiled an application database of over 500 common classic vehicle applications and a full repair kit is available for most applications, though only a diaphragm or selected components in a few instances.
The ‘Help and Instructions’ section at the top of the Repair Kit and Repair Component product categories provides useful advice on dismantling, cleaning, refurbishing and re-assembling mechanical fuel pumps - as well as guidance on fuel pump, connection and engine pad gasket types, to help you identify your fuel pump and select the correct repair kit for your application if it is not listed in the search database.
To search over 500 pre 1970s vehicle applications please visit the product category.