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Three-wheel box wiper assembly. The kit comes with a 14W motor, three 32 or 40 tooth wheel boxes (32 is the most popular), drive gear 90 to 130 degree, nut, ferrule, pad strap, bundy tubes cut to length and flared, and a 150cm drive rack.
Please see the "Guides Section" or click on the link below for help to identify the wheel boxes required, degree of drive gear and how to measure the bundy tubing. Bundy tubing can be measured from flared end to flared end (if measured off existing tubing) or to and from wheel box centres - please select the method of measurement. The kit does not include wiper arms or blades.
If you are unsure or have any questions about any part of the kit, please call or email us.
Please give the length of the four bundy tubes (motor ferule to wheelbox, wheelbox to wheelbox, wheelbox to wheelbox, wheelbox to end) in the additional information box below, for example 335mm / 150mm / 175mm / 100mm or 6 1/4" / 4 1/2" / 3 3/4" / 4"
View our guide to wiper systems